What is a chylothorax?
A chylothorax (say: KY-low-THOR-ax) is a build-up of fluid in the space around the lungs. The fluid, called chyle (say: kile), is a normal fluid that is made when the body digests fat. When it builds up, it puts pressure on the lungs and makes breathing more difficult.
Treating a chylothorax
The doctors often drain the extra fluid from around the lungs with a chest tube. Sometimes, that is all that is needed. But if the body keeps making too much chyle, your child may be put on a special diet. This diet will lower the amount of chyle your child's body makes. This will help prevent a build-up from happening again.
Minimal fat diet
Your child's doctor or dietitian will help you with the details of your child's diet. In general, your child should avoid eating fats. The less fat in your child's diet, the less chyle the body will make.

Always read food labels
The goal of this diet is to lower the amount of fat your child eats. Read the Nutrition Facts label to find out how much fat is in the food. Choose foods that have less than 0.5 g of total fat per serving. Make sure the serving size is the same amount as your child will eat.
If the front of the food packaging says fat-free, it means a food has less than 0.5 g of total fat per serving. You should always check the label to be sure.
Foods your child can and cannot eat
Milk and alternatives
Low-fat items your child can eat | High-fat foods to avoid |
Dairy products such as milk and yogurt with less than 1% milk fat. Milk fat is often labelled M.F. or B.F. Fat-free processed cheese slices Fat-free sour cream Fat-free cottage cheese Fat-free cream cheese Fat-free pudding | Dairy products such as milk and yogurt with more than 1% milk fat. Regular or low-fat cheese Regular or low-fat cream cheese Regular or low-fat cottage cheese Cheez Whiz |
Meat and alternatives
Low-fat items your child can eat | High-fat foods to avoid |
Lean white fish, skinless chicken breast, or skinless turkey breast (1 to 2 oz per day) Beans and legumes Fat-free hot dogs Tuna packed in water (2 to 3 oz per day) Fat-free deli meats Egg whites (if your child is older than 1 year) | Peanut butter and other nut butters Fried and battered meats and poultry Egg yolks Beef, pork, and fatty fish Seafood such as shrimp, scallops and lobster Shellfish such as clams, mussels and oysters |
Grain products
Low-fat items your child can eat | High-fat foods to avoid |
Bread, buns, plain bagels and pita bread Plain pasta Plain rice Melba toast Fat-free crackers Crumpets Cereals, except granola and cereals with nuts. Choose a cereal with less than 1 g of total fat per serving. | Cheese and egg breads, buns, bagels and croissants Pasta stuffed with meat or cheese, such as ravioli or tortellini Egg noodles or fried rice Packaged noodle dishes such as Sidekicks or Mr. Noodle Crackers Granola |
Vegetables and fruit
Low-fat items your child can eat | High-fat foods to avoid |
All except avocado and olives Fruit and vegetable juices Apple and fruit sauces Dried fruit bars and fruit snacks such as Fruit-to-go and Fruit Roll-ups Pasta sauce with less than 1 g of total fat per serving | Avocado Olives Pasta sauce with more than 1 g of fat per serving, including meat, cheese or cream sauce |
Snacks and treats
Low-fat items your child can eat | High-fat foods to avoid |
Rice cakes without chocolate, cheese or butter Fat-free granola bars Fat-free cookies Freezies and sorbet Air-popped popcorn with no butter Baked plain pretzels Cereal (see grain products above) Fat-free chocolate, strawberry and maple syrup Ice cream and frozen yogurt if less than 0.1% fat Gummie candies and gum Jell-O and fruit gels | Chips and cheezies Chocolate Nuts and seeds Muffins and cakes Cookies Regular or flavoured popcorn Toffee Caramel Fudge Ice cream and frozen yogurt if more than 0.1% fat |
Oils, spreads and other foods
Low-fat items your child can eat | High-fat foods to avoid |
Ketchup, mustard and relish Fat-free broths and soups Salsa Fat-free mayonnaise Jams and jellies Honey (for children older than 1 year) Ultra low-fat Cool Whip (0.9% fat) Pickles Fat-free salad dressing Fat-free croutons Soy sauce Teriyaki sauce Vegetarian sushi (no avocado, egg or crabmeat) | Butter Margarine Oil Regular mayonnaise Soups and cream soups Sushi with meat, fish, avocado, egg or crabmeat |
Foods for babies and toddlers
Low-fat items your child can eat | High-fat foods to avoid |
Portagen or Tolerex formula Plain infant cereal All fruits and vegetables Fruit and vegetable juices (limit to 4 oz per day or as directed by dietitian) Baby mum-mum rice rusks Homemade pureed or minced lean white fish, skinless chicken breast or turkey breast (limit to 1/2 to 1 oz per day) | All infant formula except Portagen and Tolerex Minigo, Danino, and Danimals yogurt and cheese Yogurt tubes and drinks with more than 1% fat Infant cereal with formula, milk or yogurt, such as Milupa Jarred baby custards and some desserts Cookies, including Arrowroot and Farleys Baby jars of meat and foods with meat |
More tips to reduce fat
When cooking
Do not add any oil, butter, margarine, or other fats.
Use low-fat cooking methods such as steaming, broiling, barbecuing or baking.
Choose the right foods
Choose foods that are appropriate for your child's age.
If you are unsure about a food, talk to your dietitian.
List foods you would like to ask the dietitian about here:
Your dietitian's name:
Your dietitian's phone number: