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Optimizing your child’s asthma management can help them lead a normal, healthy life. Learn about asthma triggers, exercising with asthma, and asthma management at school.

Key points

  • Asthma triggers vary from child to child. Common triggers include viral infections, irritants such as cigarette smoke and air pollution, allergens such as pet dander and pollen, and certain medicines.
  • Exercise can make some children's asthma worse, but taking regular asthma controller medicines and other precautions can help lessen these symptoms.
  • It is important to provide your child's school with your child's asthma action plan so the staff can help in the case of an asthma attack.
  • Tools such as an asthma action plan and an asthma diary can help you effectively monitor and manage your child’s asthma symptoms.
Dernières mises à jour: mars 20th 2024